Frequently Asked Questions

Who is TOBi?
What Clients will be served by TOBi?
What services will TOBi provide to Patrons?
What Benefits does a TOBi Account Provide?
How do I establish a TOBi account?
How do I connect with a human?

Who is TOBi?

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TOBi is a service connecting arts patrons and the major performance organizations of San Antonio and surrounding counties.  It is provided by the Tobin Center for the Performing Arts as part of its mission to support and encourage the performing arts.

What Clients are served by TOBi?

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The TOBi system connects you with the following organizations:

  • Ballet San Antonio
  • OPERA San Antonio
  • Classical Music Institute 
  • The Children's Chorus of San Antonio
  • Youth Orchestras of San Antonio
  • The Tobin Center for the Performing Arts

What services will TOBi provide to Patrons?

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Once you have created or confirmed a Tobi account you can:

  • Choose which TOBi arts organizations you want to connect with you.
  • Purchase your subscriptions and tickets, including seat selection.
  • Purchase your tickets on your mobile devices or print tickets at home.
  • Add and maintain your pledges and donations including payment plans, receipts and tax letters.
  • Track and receive your donor benefits.
  • View your tickets and donations online.
  • Log in at all TOBi arts organization client sites.
  • Minimizes the information you need to supply on future interactions.
  • Connect with event announcements and stay on the cutting edge of San Antonio entertainment.
  • Designate how you want to connect with TOBi:  Email, phone, mail.

What Benefits does a TOBi Account Provide?

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  • Minimizes the information you need to supply on future interactions.
  • Ensures that you are notified of future events within your expressed areas of interest.
  • Allows you to establish communication preferences.
  • Enables all of your donations, subscriptions, ticket purchases, benefits, correspondence, and tax credits with all participating TOBi Clients to be collected in one easy-to –access location.

How do I establish a TOBi account?

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If you are a patron of the San Antonio performing arts we may have already created an account for you.  Please check this by inserting your email and clicking forgot password. If you have a preset account, follow the SIGN UP GUIDE to confirm your account.   If this is not the case you can create an account following these steps:

  • In the Menu on top, click My Account.
  • Under Sign up for a TOBi Account, Click Start Now.
  • Provide the information requested.  Items marked with an asterisk are required.

How do I connect with a human?

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TOBi also provides customer service over the phone, in person and by email.  Here are all TOBi's contact details: